Civil Rights
The Tri-State Transit Authority (TTA) is responsible for ensuring that as a provider of public transit is committed to properly implement several civil rights laws and programs, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program, and the External Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) program. The TTA is committed to a policy of non-discrimination in the conduct of its business, including its Civil Rights responsibilities and to the delivery of equitable and accessible transportation services.
Any person who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination under the Civil Rights Acts on the basis of race, color or national origin may file a complaint with TTA within 180 days of from the date of the alleged discrimination. There are several ways to file a complaint.
Route and Schedule information is available in other languages upon request.
Tri-State Transit Authority is also deeply committed to equal opportunities for all.
See documents below for more details.

For More Information
To obtain more information on TTA’s non-discrimination obligations, please contact the Tri-State Transit Authority
at (304) 529-6094 or via email at
at (304) 529-6094 or via email at